










Law for Children and Adolescents

Comes today into force

Among others, this amendment includes changes relating to the adoption and determination of the age of migrant children, and the creation of a Sex Offender Registry.

In addition, children exposed to domestic violence will be recognized as victims and, thus, the judges must rule on the necessary measures that affect them.

This legislative amendment includes the reform of many laws, including the Civil Code, the Immigration Act, the Social Security, Dependency or gender violence.

As for the system of foster care and adoption, foster care is prioritized for those under six years old and the process is dejudicialized so that it is the administration that decides where the child will be staying.

Open adoption system in cases where the child wants and can continue to maintain relationship with their biological family and which will be accessible for social services across the country, among other news, a unified registry of child abuse is created.

On the other hand, the Law leaves the determination of the age of foreign children arriving in Spain unaccompanied by an adult at the discretion of the prosecutor, who will decide whether the passport presented by the young man is or not "reliable". If no credibility is given, the child will have to attend medical tests which contrast its official document.

The reform also includes the creation of a Sex Offender Registry, which includes data from a genetic profile (DNA).

The new regulation stipulates that those who want to work in contact with children, proving that they have not been convicted of any crime involving children or adolescents.


Source: Juridical information.


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